Chemicals and hazardous materials
Safety is paramount when we handle your chemicals and hazardous materials. Additionally, we offer temperature-controlled storage, sampling, batch management, and more. Our aim is that there is chemistry between you, your customers, and us!
Our contract logistics services for chemicals and hazardous materials in detail:
- Storage in accordance with the German Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG)
- Environmental engineers
- Explosives warehousing in accordance with § 17 German Explosives Act
- Temperature-controlled storage
- Batch management
- Class 2-6 and 8-13 hazardous materials
- Flammable liquids covered by R-phrases 10-12
- Water hazard classes 1-3
- Gas leak detectors
- Safety Quality and Assessment System (SQAS), safety plan, QEHS
- Sampling
- CO2 fire extinguishing systems
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Engineering and Electrotechnology