Terms and Conditions – Customer Referral Program

Any adult customer of Koch International with an existing user account is eligible to participate and refer new customers.

A new customer is defined as someone who does not yet have a user account in Koch International’s Transport Shop. Self-referrals and mutual referrals are excluded.

Customer referrals are deemed successful once the referred customer registers in Koch International’s Transport Shop and makes their first shipment booking. The booking must be made no later than 30 days after the referral. The referrer will receive a reward in the form of a voucher, which can only be used in Koch International’s Transport Shop.

Koch International does not store data of unregistered users. Koch International reserves the right to exclude referrers from the customer referral program if there are indications of abusive practices. We reserve the right to make changes or terminate the offer at any time. Legal recourse is excluded.

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